Monday, May 5, 2014

2-4 May, Sea Scout Jamboree, Coast Guard Base Portsmouth

With over a hundred Sea Scouts closing in on the USCG Base for the Jamboree, Navy Sailing provided 6 keel boats to teach hands on sailing skills.  The Belle (green canvas) snuggled into the USCG slips among the many USCG, and marine police boats that filled the Coast Guard Creek docks. Winds went from "0" to "15+" as we made-way south down the Elizabeth River to the USCG Base.  A number of Coasties were on hand to assist securing our vessels to the docks as we settled in for class line-up review and rehearsals prior to link-up with the Scouts.

From The Belle, we taught the Safety Equipment and the Communications programs. Then, with a full crew of 10, we got underway for hands-on sail training on the Elizabeth River.  Winds picked up mid-AM with a steady 10-12kt SSW wind to quickly fill the sails and gave the Scouts a real multi-hour underway experience in competitive winds.  What great fun!  Over the day, The Belle had three full crews "learn the ropes" with a lot of hands on sailing.  The smiles and "high-fives" as the scouts disembarked and helped secure The Belle back at the docks between each crew cycle told the story - Sailing sure is fun, exciting...and hard work!  

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